Christine Maggi

Product Designer
Web Designer
Visual Designer
UI Designer
UX Designer
San Francisco Bay Area

Product Designer by day, YouTube's Design Gal by night.

What I Do 💁🏻‍♀️

I'm a proud design generalist who specializes in Visual and Product Design. I focus on straightforward, helpful experiences that rely on engaging visual design and human-friendly content.

I've worked on a wide range of creative and technical projects at local agencies, small startups, and enterprise corporations. I'm currently working full-time as a Sr. Product Designer at Thistle.

Giving Back ✨

I love giving back to the design community, especially to early-career folks and students. I've been a speaker at a handful of small, local conferences in person and remotely. I also started a YouTube channel in 2017 which has grown to a global audience with over 12k subscribers!

Think we can work together? 🤓

Email is the best way to reach me:


Other Designers

Eric Ruelas
Art Director
Web Designer
Visual Designer
Daissy Linares
UX Designer
UI Designer
Brand Designer
Lead Designer
Rubén Rohde
Head of Design
Creative Director
Lucy Kent
Product Designer
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